Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catching up.

There is so much happening at the moment that I have barely had time to blog. So bare with me as I update you on all the latest happenings...
First of all. My BEAUTIFUL friend Sarah is back from 7 months of cancer treatment. I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it is to have her home.

We have 3 boys in our 1 month transition phase. They will be living with us for the month of October, then will be heading home. Our other 3 boys are thriving in school and life and are just the most incredible boys. I love them. I also love having a full house. More boys means more kids going home to their families!

One of our boys at home decided that we should spend one night a week and pray together as a family. Tonight they led worship and a time of prayer. It was one of the most beautiful moments I have had here. How amazing that these boys are seeing the importance and power of prayer and choosing to pray more.

I am so blown away at God constant provision and hand over Masana. He has been so faithful over the last few years. He has been so good to us!

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